[aprssig] Latest updates on Windows 10 Hard-sell Tactics Aimed At Win 7 & 8 Users

Lee Bengston lee.bengston at gmail.com
Sun Dec 13 19:37:50 EST 2015

On Sun, Dec 13, 2015 at 5:04 PM, Stephen H. Smith via aprssig <
aprssig at tapr.org> wrote:

> [This is a shortened version of the page located on my website at: <
> http://WA8LMF.net/Windows10-Info> .  This page is constantly being
> updated as news breaks. ]
> Since I last posted on this issue, Microsoft has ratcheted up the
> hard-sell tactics to an even more outrageous level, including forcibly
> overriding user-installed registry settings to opt-out of the forced
> download of Windows 10.

​Interesting.  The hard sell doesn't seem to be happening on my son's
home-built desktop running Windows 8.1.​  Perhaps it's because I did let
the Windows 10 download happen.  I upgraded my son's PC last year from XP
by installing 8.1 clean on a new 1TB hard drive, so disk space is not an

​ Windows 10 was pushed to the computer months ago, and I know there was a
notification about that at the time.  I just left the image there and never
installed it.  My son uses the computer a lot more than I do, and he hasn't
mentioned a thing about being nagged to upgrade.  I use it occasionally,
and I also have not been seeing any nags.

Lee - K5DAT
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