[aprssig] aprsdroid

Georg Lukas georg at op-co.de
Fri Nov 14 09:32:16 EST 2014


* Dave B <g8kbvdave at googlemail.com> [2014-11-14 15:05]:
> I need to contact the author for this, as google play store wont accept any of 
> the available payment methods I have.  pp or card!

(I've already replied to Dave directly)

Just for documentation purposes: App authors have no way to see or
manually accept credit cards used by people on Google Play. Here, Google
is totally intransparent (which is good for users privacy, but bad when
something goes wrong).

I am glad to accept donations via PayPal, please contact me privately
for the PayPal account ID. However, these donations do not activate the
app on Google Play - you need to download it manually from the
aprsdroid.org web server, and there will be no auto updates.

73 de Georg DO1GL
APRSdroid - Open Source APRS Client for Android | http://aprsdroid.org/m
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.aprsdroid.app | @APRSdroid
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