[aprssig] Driving to Dayton (Voice Alert)

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Wed May 14 15:28:12 EDT 2014

Driving to Dayton:

For AMSAT guys, even if you don’t have an APRS radio, set an HT in your car
to 144.39 with CTCSS 100 and the speaker will be 100% quiet unless there is
an APRS mobile in simplex range, and then you will hear his CQ once a
minute.  If you hear one, then he is in SIMPLEX range and you can call him
on voice and tell him to meet you on 52,

If you do have an APRS radio:

Don’t forget to keep that Voice Alert volume UP and to CLEAR all the
messages in your D700 and D7 mailboxes!!!

Nothing more frustrating than to hear your  CQ PINGS and then you are not
listening for Voice Alert  responses and your radio is rejecting messages
telling  you to wake up!

If  you don’t know what Voice Alert is, crawl out from under your rock and
read this:


OR, to make it simple, simply set the APRS side of your radio to CTCSS 100
and keep the data channel volume UP to receive voice alert calls (and pings
from nearby mobiles in simplex range).

Far more effective at finding a fellow driver than calling CQ on 52 every

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