[aprssig] Another Clueless Balloonist On The Rampage With A Bad Path...

david vanhorn kc6ete at gmail.com
Sun Mar 16 14:41:17 EDT 2014

Those who write firmware could override the user programming if altitude >
X and speed < Y (probable balloon ops vs aircraft).   Same for silly fast
beacon rates.  I can see both sides of that, but preserving the network is

On Sun, Mar 16, 2014 at 12:34 PM, Stephen H. Smith <wa8lmf2 at aol.com> wrote:

> On 3/16/2014 1:26 PM, Kriss A Kliegle wrote:
>> I NEVER understood why mfg.'s of trackers, and radio's with built in
>> APRS capabilities (i.e. Kenwood) placed outdated or bad paths in the
>> default
>> settings.
>> Occasionally I still see Kenwood radios running RELAY,WIDE motoring
>> around the
>> area, but alas...
>> no QRZ.com email to correct them of their ways.  (sigh)
>> 73 de Kriss KA1GJU-X    where X=INT(9)
> Currently Kenwood TH-72 handhelds, D710 Mobiles and TinyTracks/Microtracks
> are shipped with the proper path setting for USE ON THE GROUND;  i.e.
> WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1 .
> The problem arises when clueless users use them out-of-the-box, without
> changing settings, for airborne operations.  Although he must have somehow
> got into the settings, since TinyTracks would never leave Byonics set to a
> beacon rate of once every 10 secs!
> From his Univ of Michigan faculty bio, this Stanford PhD appears to have
> never actually worked with the radio systems he theorizes about.....
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