[aprssig] [APRS] APRS CQ FD tomorrow!

Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr) ldeffenb at homeside.to
Sat Jun 28 07:36:04 EDT 2014

Yes, there is a difference between ANSRVR and CQSRVR and no, they are 
not connected together.

CQSRVR is the original server and is designed for calling "CQ" and then 
listening for a while.  It has a limit on how frequently you can send a 
message to the group and requires that you must send a message to remain 
a member of the group to receive messages.

ANSRVR is the new server and is designed for sending announcements to an 
interested group.  There is (currently) no limit on how frequently you 
can send a message to the group (designed for multi-message information 
passing aka announcements) and there is a feature to allow quietly 
monitoring a group (renewing your group membership without sending a 

Bob seems to forget that ANSRVR exists and falls back to his original 
CQSRVR documentation, although besides the differences above, they both 
accept the same commands.  I monitor ANSRVR's FD year-round, but try to 
remember to join CQSRVR's FD group on field day only.

Oh, and they both should have ack'd your CQ FD.  Which one didn't?

Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ - Author of APRSISCE for Windows Mobile and Win32

On 6/28/2014 12:07 AM, KC2ASA - Peter Head kc2asa.peter at gmail.com [APRS] 
> I tested out ANSRVR today before I headed out to setup, saw one other 
> station come up. Is there a difference between the two besides one 
> ACKS and the other doesn't? Should I sign into both? Are they 
> connected somehow?
> 73,
> hope to hear some of you during field day, I'll be with my club, W2HO.
> -Peter
> --
> KC2ASA (active on APRS - try Voice Alert or send a MSG)
> Skywarn Spotter# 13-249NYC
> Wx station:http://www.wunderground.com/weatherstation/WXDailyHistory.asp?ID=KNYSLOAT1
> On Jun 27, 2014, at 12:39, "Robert Bruninga wb4apr at amsat.org 
> <mailto:wb4apr at amsat.org> [APRS]" <APRS at yahoogroups.com 
> <mailto:APRS at yahoogroups.com>> wrote:
>> Don’t forget, you can call CQ to every other APRS Field Day site in 
>> the country using Pete’s CQSRVR (or Lynn’s ANSRVR).
>> Sitting there at your portable FD APRS station, reach out to the world.
>> STEP 1:   Just send an APRS message to CQSRVR and make the first two 
>> words of the message be “CQ FD …” and your exchange.
>> Your message will go to every other APRS FD site that has also sent 
>> such a message.
>> But like any band, calling CQ is usless unless someone answers.
>> STEP 2:  When you see similar CQ’s from other APRS stations, now you 
>> have their callsign!
>> STEP 3: MAKE the QSO by now sending a specific MESSAGE to their 
>> CALLSIGN acknowledging their exchange info.
>> STEP 4:  When you see an ACK, the QSO is complete.
>> These contacts do NOT COUNT for FD points.  But heck, it is fun, and 
>> what else is APRS for but fun and showing off.
>> See http://aprs.org/cqsrvr.html
>> Bob, Wb4APR
> __._,_.___
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Posted by: KC2ASA - Peter Head <kc2asa.peter at gmail.com>
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