[aprssig] APRS CQ FD tomorrow!

WD8ARZ wd8arz at ix.netcom.com
Sat Jun 28 03:36:52 EDT 2014

Hello Bob, there is a way to get those messages to count - NTS formatted.

Info from: http://nx5mk.blogspot.com/2014/06/aprs-for-field-day.html

I can post a more complete message about ALE, WINMOR, NTS Traffic, 
Texting Cell Phones, Email Options for Field Day 2014 here if you would 
like me to.

73 from Bill - WD8ARZ

On 6/27/2014 12:39 PM, Robert Bruninga wrote:
> Don't forget, you can call CQ to every other APRS Field Day site in 
> the country using Pete's CQSRVR (or Lynn's ANSRVR).
> Sitting there at your portable FD APRS station, reach out to the world.
> STEP 1:   Just send an APRS message to CQSRVR and make the first two 
> words of the message be "CQ FD ..." and your exchange.
> Your message will go to every other APRS FD site that has also sent 
> such a message.
> But like any band, calling CQ is usless unless someone answers.
> STEP 2:  When you see similar CQ's from other APRS stations, now you 
> have their callsign!
> STEP 3: MAKE the QSO by now sending a specific MESSAGE to their 
> CALLSIGN acknowledging their exchange info.
> STEP 4:  When you see an ACK, the QSO is complete.
> These contacts do NOT COUNT for FD points. But heck, it is fun, and 
> what else is APRS for but fun and showing off.
> See http://aprs.org/cqsrvr.html
> Bob, Wb4APR
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