[aprssig] [APRS] Announcement of WA1PLE-15 digipeater in SW Boston Area

Tom Hayward esarfl at gmail.com
Tue Sep 24 14:48:32 EDT 2013

On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 11:18 AM, Tony VE6MVP <tony at ve6mvp.com> wrote:
> Therefore I would suggest that the repeater object have a path of WIDE1-1 or
> WIDE2-1 so the adjacent digipeaters see the packet and display it on your
> device as you pass near those digipeaters.

If you are transmitting the object from a digipeater, WIDE1-1 is the
wrong answer. WIDE1-1 is just supposed to get low power stations into
the bigger digipeaters. You can probably get into the W2 digipeaters
directly from your object-announcing digipeater, so no need to request
the help of a fill-in.

In the situations I can think of that involve voice repeater coverage,
they would be better suited by a directed path rather than WIDE2-1.
For example, you might advertise 146.94-RI with a path of VERMLN to
specifically target users north of the repeater (just making some
guesses on coverage here).

Disclaimer: Your area has different terrain and lower channel
utilization than mine, so feel free to ignore my opinion and optimize
for your situation.


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