[aprssig] Roll call for APRS software authors

Greg Clark k7rkt at bigredbee.com
Thu Oct 3 09:39:32 EDT 2013

BigRedBee sells frequency agile APRS transmitters on both 70cm and 2 Meters.


Greg - K7RKT

On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 6:01 AM, Bruce Coates <bruce.coates at sasktel.net>wrote:

> Hi
> I'd like to add Trackuino to the list.  Trackuino is an open source
> hardware and software APRS tracker based on the Arduino platform.  It's
> designed for high altitude ballooning but can be customized to suit your
> needs.  I and several other balloonist have built and customized trackers
> based on this project.
> http://www.trackuino.org/
> The code lists the author as EA5HAV.
> 73, Bruce - VE5BNC
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