[aprssig] Advice requested please

Chris Moulding chrism at crosscountrywireless.net
Sun May 5 13:40:41 EDT 2013

Thanks for all the suggestions, I'll consider all of them.

The Digi Tracker outputs TNC2 packets so the Android program at present 
is a simple Bluetooth serial connection with a TCP/IP connection for 
igating to the APRS-IS.

I've also found a way of reliably testing a poor Bluetooth connection so 
I can test all the possible solutions.


Chris, G4HYG

Chris Moulding
Cross Country Wireless
7 Thirlmere Grove, Bolton, Lancs, BL4 0QB, UK
Tel/fax:     +44(0)1204 410626
Mobile:      +44(0)7752 391908
Website:     http://www.crosscountrywireless.net
Yahoo group: http://uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/cross_country_wireless/

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