[aprssig] Bulletins/Announcements ID Numbers

Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr) ldeffenb at homeside.to
Thu Dec 5 13:59:13 EST 2013

If it's the same message and you expect it to occupy the same space in 
the receiver's display, then the ID should remain the same.

If it's a new message that should occupy a new space in the receiver's 
display, then the ID should be changed.

Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ - Author of APRSISCE for Windows Mobile and Win32

PS.  See also: http://aprs.fi/bulletin/

And here's how APRSISCE/32 displays bulletins:

Received      From::* Text                                                                                                      Date
18:22:18  EB5JEQ-4::0 Unete al foro HSMM Enlacea Español http://enlacea.creatuforo.es                                           2013-12-05

18:52:19     G6UIM::1 QRUG6UIM QRU server. Send message to "QRU" with "info" for available options                              2013-12-05
18:02:17     G6UIM::2 UK infrastructure http://www.daniels270.eclipse.co.uk                                                     2013-12-05
18:52:49     G6UIM::3 APRS Client in Development http://www.aprsisce.wikidot.com                                                2013-12-05
18:52:19     G6UIM::4 Riveira Radio Club19:30 Tuesdays G2DXU rivieraarc at gmail.com http://www.rivieraarc.org.uk                  2013-12-05

18:54:48 KC5NYH-10::1 kc5nyh10 reset please resend tatical sorry                                                                2013-12-05
18:53:48 KC5NYH-10::2 kc5nyh-10 reset please send tactical/nicname sorry                                                        2013-12-05

18:31:12    KD8MRU::0 ARES Net Monday @ 830pE 146.760 T131.8                                                                    2013-12-05

18:52:11  KL7IBV-2::0 RCV only node in Clintonville, WI                                                                         2013-12-05

18:57:53    MB7UCM::0 QRUMB7UCM QRU server. Send message to "QRU" with "info" for available options                             2013-12-05

18:37:26  N7FMH-10::1 Thurs900day!                                                                                              2013-12-05
18:37:27  N7FMH-10::2 Tues220day!                                                                                               2013-12-05

18:47:35     N7GWT::0 ENARS Friday night Net, 7pm 147.18+ pl114.8                                                               2013-12-05

18:31:08   N7LMJ-1::1 New Igate in TC N7LMJ-1                                                                                   2013-12-05

13:11:23    PA3BNX::4 Update Version Gps116  SoundDoppler140 and MyMapping148                                                   2013-12-04
13:11:54    PA3BNX::5 COAA SondeMonitor and SM2APRS Have Fun !!!                                                                2013-12-04
13:12:22    PA3BNX::6 Trying to design a doppler antenna with 4xmmic to increase sens on UHF.                                   2013-12-04

18:52:58    SQ3LLI::1 Uwaga silny wiatr - porywy do 100 km/h                                                                    2013-12-05

12:15:03 SQ5NWI-11::0 Donate AMSAT new project Fox-1! Go to http://www.amsat.org for details.                                   2013-12-05

18:36:20   VK6EX-1::0 ECHOLINK ON 146.575                                                                                       2013-12-05

18:52:34   W2CXM-1::0 APRS Client in Development http://www.aprsisce.wikidot.com                                                2013-12-05
18:53:04   W2CXM-1::1 W2CXM-1 will gate an IS only station to RF when within Tompkins County                                    2013-12-05
18:56:04   W2CXM-1::2 QRU server. Send message to "QRU" with "info" for available options                                       2013-12-05
18:53:04   W2CXM-1::3 Send message to "QRU" with group name for the closest objects of that type to your last beaconed location 2013-12-05
18:53:04   W2CXM-1::4 EG. Message to QRU of RP2M will return 2 meter repeater objects within range of your last known location  2013-12-05

On 12/5/2013 11:51 AM, Mike GM1WKR wrote:
> Hello,
> Are Bulleting and Announcement IDs incremented per transmission or per 
> message?
> Given the example in the spec :
> :BLN3_____:Snow expected in Tampa RSN
> Would the same information get BLN4, then BLN5 as it is refreshed or 
> would it stay BLN3 for the life of the 'message'.
> Thanks in advance,
> Mike
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