[aprssig] xastir.org down?

Javier Henderson javier at kjsl.org
Thu Aug 22 21:44:59 EDT 2013

On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 9:26 PM, Keith VE7GDH <ve7gdh at rac.ca> wrote:

> Kevin K1KWP wrote...
>  it seems like the xastir.org web site (and the wiki, and the mail
>> lists, and....) have been down at least the last 2 days (when I
>> noticed). does anyone know what is going on?
> It does appear to be down. I can't ping astir.org or,
> but I can ping their DNS servers. Google last successfully indexed
> it on Aug 12 2013.

I offer again to host this... at a commercial datacenter, with excellent
connectivity for both IPv4 and IPv6...

-jav k4jh
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