[aprssig] APRS Runner Tracking

Chris Moulding chrism at crosscountrywireless.net
Fri Aug 9 15:33:15 EDT 2013

I'm already halfway there with an Android app I've written to use with 
the APRS TNC Digi Tracker:


This connects via Bluetooth to the APRS TNC Digi Tracker with Bluetooth 
and is currently a one way connection to allow local APRS traffic to be 
displayed on an Android phone or tablet and be igated to the APRS-IS.

The only reason that I didn't make it a two way Bluetooth connection was 
the possibility that the Bluetooth connection could be hacked and if 
"Cal" was selected then it would be possible to set the TNC and 
transmitter to permanent transmit.

Looking at this again if I remove the "Cal" function fron the TNC 
firmware and make it a hardware push button then this couldn't happen 
and I could make the app connect via Bluetooth for messaging.

I could also add a function that's been in the Windows version of APRS 
Messenger for a few years where the message is split into three text 
boxes. They are usually set up by operators as checkpoint, runner number 
and comment. We used it on the Ironman UK event two years ago with good 


Chris, G4HYG

Chris Moulding
Cross Country Wireless
7 Thirlmere Grove, Bolton, Lancs, BL4 0QB, UK
Tel/fax:     +44(0)1204 410626
Mobile:      +44(0)7752 391908
Website:     http://www.crosscountrywireless.net
Yahoo group: http://uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/cross_country_wireless/

On 09/08/2013 20:00, Tony VE6MVP wrote:

> This is a very good idea but illustrates how some kind of keyboard
> interface would be highly useful for these devices.   To my way of
> thinking Bluetooth capability with open source software which can be
> created by amateurs on iPads and Android devics would be a great
> enhancement.  But we'll have to wait for the next generation of radios.
> Or the next + 1.

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