[aprssig] GPS GT-320FW(AS)

Scott Miller scott at opentrac.org
Thu Apr 25 11:51:52 EDT 2013

There have been two different versions of the GT-320FW - one with a 
Prolific chipset and more recently one with a Princeton chipset.  They'd 
take different commands.  I have a reference for the Prolific version 
but not the other one.


On 4/25/2013 8:43 AM, Andrew Rich wrote:
> Hello
> I have now taken two of my easy radio modules and sent
> $GPRMC,091600.4,A,2720.24329,S,15302.60358,E,000.02,172.0,071212,011.0,E*4
> Once a second.
> There seems to be no loss of data.
> So the < 180 characters per payload seems to work
> My next question is, can I lock down the GPS GT-320FW to say 19200 and
> just $GPRMC ?
> - Andrew -
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