[aprssig] GPS GT-320FW(AS)

Steve Noskowicz noskosteve at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 23 12:17:33 EDT 2013

--- On Tue, 4/23/13, Dave B wrote, that:

> Steve Noskowicz wrote:
> > Yea.  That datasheet is woefully light on it's info.  Interesting
> > since I would "tend" to believe the TTL levels it has are the phase
> > that is inverted from RS232.  This would make for simple interfacing
> > with local logic ...

-- and commented:
> Come on guys, this isn't rocket scienct....


  I thought the *main* issue was the polarity on that specific device's "TTL" I/O lines and Scott verified my assumption  ....  and, yes, the rest of my post was, pretty much self-imposed noise... (;-)

73, Steve, K9DCI

Of course...  Universal... bla, bla  still got a bunch of 'em.

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