[aprssig] Dayton APRS Forum 2012

Bob Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Fri Mar 16 11:48:41 EDT 2012

Time to put together the APRS Forum for Dayton this year.

Speakers from last year:

WB4APR, Bob Bruninga APRS Operating notes
N6BG,   Byon Garrabrant Byonics Update
N1VG,   Scott Miller OpenTracker Update
KE4NYV, Jason Rausch RPC Electronics Update
W6GPS,  Don Arnold AVMAP G6 update
KC0BS,  Brian Short -  Kansas City 52 Hospital Project
AB9FX,  Andres Bartosz Wx3in1 stand-alone digi, igate, wx

Last year we could only afford 7 minutes each due to the number of

Lemme know...


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