[aprssig] Two Space Stations on the APRS-IS !

Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr) ldeffenb at homeside.to
Wed Mar 14 13:57:49 EDT 2012

If you go to http://aprs.fi/?call=ISS* you'll see that there are any 
number of ISS* objects, none of which are actually mine because mine 
travels too fast and get's knocked out by Hessu's speed filter.

Your 1303 is actually


or an object being injected by EI3RCW-3 
(http://aprs.fi/?c=raw&call=EI3RCW-3) who is apparently running Digi-NED 
(APND13) which IIRC has some features of tracking satellites and locally 
transmitting AOS information for the surrounding area.

It sure would be nice if all of these folks transmitted such local-only 
objects with NOGATE or RFONLY in their paths!

Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ - Author of APRSISCE for Windows Mobile and Win32

On 3/14/2012 1:18 PM, Stephen H. Smith wrote:
> I have started filtering for Lynn's ISS object on my UIview webserver 
> displays, but have discovered that a second ISS lagging his by about a 
> 1000 miles is also being injected into the APRS-IS.    Screen cap from 
> my UIview display as of 12:44 PM EDT ( 1644 UTC 14-Mar-2012) :
> <http://wa8lmf.net/pics/2xISS.gif>
> The information for the second (lagging one) seems completely bogus -- 
> speed of "only" 620 MPH.   What kind of statement is "AOS @ 15-03 
> 06:19 LOC" ?   AOS where????
>  Is this object junk, or is there some hidden meaning in it?
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> -- 
> Stephen H. Smith    wa8lmf (at) aol.com
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