[aprssig] OT: Yaesu to release digital amateur radio gear

Eric Lorenz K9LGE k9lge at emlorenz.com
Fri Jan 6 08:57:52 EST 2012


It is all about perception though...yes, Dstar is an 'open' protocol. Yes,
anyone can license and manufacture equipment for it. So who (of the major
ones) has done it? Icom. So yes, regardless of the reality...Dstar
*appears* to be an Icom protocol. All that has to happen for that to change
is for another manufacturer to get in the game. It would *appear*
though...that this is going to remain Icom's thing for now.

Eric K9LGE
On Dec 29, 2011 7:59 PM, <duffy at wb8nut.com> wrote:

> Icom gave away repeaters to help continue D-Star's growth. So what is the
> big deal with seeding equipment? Companies do it all the time.
> The Codec is proprietary yes. The Codec is available to anyone on a chip
> for around $25 in quantity one. Buy more and I assume there is a discount.
>  Our radios use proprietary chips all the time with proprietary DSP
> firmware. P25 manufacturers use proprietary technology in their radios.
> From what I have seen so far, D-Star radios are much less expensive than
> P25 radios.
> What do we need cross-compatibility for with Public Service? You think
> Police/Fire/Government are going to allow their systems to link to amateur
> systems? Hardly. And just like the differing P25 systems, the
> manufacturers have allowed for interoperability, but I hardly think
> government systems will tie into amateur systems.
> Icom trademarked it to protect it. Just like WB4APR trademarked APRS. No
> one is charging anyone else to use those names.
> D-Star is not an Icom protocol. It was developed by the JARL and it is an
> open technology available to anyone. Only the Codec is proprietary as
> discussed before.
> Duffy
> www.wb8nut.com
> > If D-Star is such a raging success in the amateur market, why was Icom
> > giving away repeaters?  The codec is proprietary. It is not used by any
> > other radio service so there is no availability of equipment with cross
> > compatibility (for those amateurs who are authorized to use public
> > safety frequencies, or have access to used PS equipment).  Icom
> > trademarked the D-Star name, so how much are they going to charge other
> > manufacturers to use it?  I suspect D-Star will remain an Icom only
> > protocol.
> >
> > Brian Clark, AG4BC
> >
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