[aprssig] New MSG-OBJ format (rev b)

Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr) ldeffenb at homeside.to
Wed Feb 22 10:02:04 EST 2012

Good catch Andre!  That was absolutely my intention when suggesting 
making the symbol omittable.  No special characters to type and no 
table/symbol characters to remember.  Put an X on the map with just:

OBJECT   :NEWOBJECT This is a simple X object

Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ - Author of APRSISCE for Windows Mobile and Win32

On 2/22/2012 8:14 AM, Andre wrote:
> Op 22-2-2012 13:56, Charles Blackburn schreef:
>> While it doesn't support it yet, how are we going to delineate things 
>> like
>> course and speed.
>> I'm assuming we can do the following
>> OBJECT   : MYOBJECT [\s] this is an object with a symbol
>> OBJECT   : MYOBJECT [] this is an object without a symbol and use "X"
> I think the idea was that [] could be ommitted completly if the 
> default X was to be used but I guess it would be smart to account for 
> both and emtpy [] and no [].
>> OBJECT   : MYOBJECT [\s] CSE060/070/ this is an object with a symbol 
>> and a
>> course/speed
>> OBJECT   : MYOBJECT [\s] PHG756936 this is an object with a symbol 
>> and a PHG
>> Just trying to work out the true format with an example so I can 
>> create the
>> parser.
>> At the moment my server will accept the messages and parse them, but not
>> create the objects (disabled atm)
>> Charlie
> 73 Andre PE1RDW
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