[aprssig] APRS Local Info Initative TM-D710A compatibitility

Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr) ldeffenb at homeside.to
Fri Apr 27 09:00:41 EDT 2012

On 4/27/2012 8:49 AM, Bob Bruninga wrote:

> We have been pushing this APRSS service for now 8 years as a primary APRS
> DIGIPEATER function, and yet less than half of the DIGI SYSOPS have
> implemented it.  And because the DIGI owners have not gotten around to it,
> then other hams try to source the objects from their home stations using
> their 2 Hop paths, and do nothing but DESTROY this concept by adding QRM,
> SPAM and useless info that misleads mobiles out of range of the Voice
> repeater.

And when the Digipeater operator is dis-interested, or the digi is in a 
situation where it cannot be easily (or inexpensively) maintained, then 
you can simulate (at the cost of the double-packet) the digipeater 
beaconing these objects by creating the object with ONLY the preferred 
digipeater explicitly in the path.

IMHO, the only time you end up with out-of-range confusing objects is 
when some well-meaning object originator starts beaconing them with 
non-specific WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1 paths, or even the generic fixed station 
recommendation of WIDE2-1 as these paths will cause ALL digipeaters that 
hear the object to repeat them.

If you beacon the local information initiative objects with ONLY the 
local digipeater in the path, then the range of reception of that object 
is almost identical to what it would be if the digipeater itself had 
originated the object.  The only difference is the footprint of your 
fixed station's original beacon, but you can prevent other, out-of-area 
digipeaters from repeating the useless (in that area) information.

Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ - Author of APRSISCE for Windows Mobile and Win32

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