[aprssig] APRS Hardware Survey (Humans)

Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr) ldeffenb at homeside.to
Fri Oct 21 19:53:26 EDT 2011

2,861 stations moved at least once within the past 2 hours.  This may 
include several "fixed" stations that are using a GPS that drifts.

Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ - Author of APRSISCE for Windows Mobile and Win32

On 10/21/2011 7:39 PM, Andrew Rich wrote:
> Rig up a script of how many targets move
> Most things that move need humans to make them move
> Ignore all the fixed sites
> Sent from my iPhone
> Andrew Rich
> On 22/10/2011, at 6:57, "Bob Bruninga"<bruninga at usna.edu>  wrote:
>>> Really interesting graphs, Curt.
>>>> Years worth of data...
>>>>   http://wetnet.net/~we7u/usage.html
>> But, What is completely lost in this data is to me the MOST meaningful data,
>> and that is WHAT is the USAGE of APRS by LIVE HUMANS???
>> And back when Steve Dimse did it (2004 time frame?), the statistic was
>> something like:
>> "85% of all mobiles that receive and display APRS data are using Kenwoods"
>> (and now Yaesus).
>> In other words, yes, there are thousands of internet and PC clients running
>> 24/7 with the lights on but nobody home.  Try interacting with a human
>> there.  But on the other hand EVERY MOBILE has a DRIVER who is a LIVE human
>> who is interacting with his local tactical situation in real time and is an
>> asset to the local community as a mobile ham radio operator.  That is why to
>> me, the #1 concern of ANY APRS function, is how does it display to the
>> mobile operator???
>> I could care less about the number of shacks being warmed with mostly
>> ignored APRS clients.  Or dumb-trackers driving around with no means to
>> communicate with other APRS participants).  To me, APRS is out there on RF
>> where the rubber meets the road and you can interact with ham radio around
>> you and have a live activity.
>> Lets look at the big items in the data again from this same perspective:
>> 5376 Mic-E's (Kenwoods and yaesu's)* LIVE HUMANS
>> 5838 digis, igates and generic
>> 4432 PC clients (maybe 10% live?)
>> 2125 dumb trackers*
>> 1807 generic
>> Assuming that the Mic-E's are almost 100% live and the clients are typically
>> attended say 2 out of every 24 hours (8%) and all the other devices are
>> unattended or deaf, I conclude that more than 90% of all human operators
>> that are on APRS live are using Kenwood or Yaesu, or HAMhud, or 2-way
>> Display Trackers in their mobiles.
>> I hope this explains my rather intense focus on the APRS Mobile and live RF
>> environment.  Oh, and remember this 24 hour snapshot does not count all the
>> APRS HT's that were not used that day and are only brought out for special
>> events or hiking?
>> Bob, Wb4APR
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