[aprssig] Some obscure APRS client questions

Patrick winston at winston1.net
Sun Nov 13 20:33:56 EST 2011

The real question I have about this whole discussion is why the 
'standard' format should be based on software which is dead, and within 
a few years and a couple updates to windows and computers in general 
won't work on any hardware going forward (anyone got an ARM port of 


On 11/13/2011 7:27 PM, Keith VE7GDH wrote:
> Bob W9RXR wrote...
>> That would work for a handful of objects, but not for the dozens of 
>> objects I might want to bring in as an overlay file. For example, I 
>> recently worked a marathon event that had 26 mile markers and about 
>> 18 aid stations. I had those locations plotted out on a map, but not 
>> in a format that UI-View nor APRSIS/32 understood.
> 26 mile markers plus 18 aid stations... that's only 44 positions. I don't
> think I could knock it off in half an hour, but I'm sure it could be done
> in less than hour. Yes, that's an hour of your time, but if it's a 
> marathon
> that will be run every year, you could re-use the information every
> year.
> How would I do it? Yes, I could manually enter the information from
> scratch in a text editor in the right format, but that would be a bit 
> more
> work. An easy way to accomplish the task for anyone using UI-View
> would be to fire up the add-on UI-InfoKiosk and merely click on the
> map at each of the locations and type in a name and a description.
> This would probably take 30-40 minutes and then save a copy
> of the file that contains the objects just entered as some filename.pos
> in the Overlays folder and spend perhaps 5-10 minutes fixing it up
> with a text editor. Given that you would be repeating the same actions
> over and over again, it might be a lot faster than I speculated.
> Open the overlay file in UI-View and zoom in close enough that you
> can check the accuracy. This step wouldn't be necessary if you were
> zoomed in enough when the objects were first created in UI-InfoKiosk
> but it wouldn't hurt to check. If no corrections are needed, you are 
> done.
> You could even send a copy of the file to anyone else that was involved.
>> There is nothing trivial about manually and repetitively clicking and 
>> filling out dialog boxes when I already have the data in .GPX or some
>> other GPS or map program format.
> Given that 44 locations were involved, I would consider an hour's time
> to be a trivial task. However, you said that you already had the data in
> GPX format. It would be trivial to open it in something like Garmin's
> Mapsource and saving the waypoints as a text file. I would think that
> half an hour with a text editor would give you a POS file ready to use
> in UI-View or any other APRS client that was capable of using the file.
> 73 es cul - Keith VE7GDH
> -- 
> "I may be lost, but I know exactly where I am!"
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