[aprssig] Digipeater setup for Dayton

Randy Love rlove31 at gmail.com
Mon May 16 15:18:08 EDT 2011

Hi, Bob.

I'm helping with an indoor vendor this year and am considering setting up an
igate at the booth on a 70cm freq. Do you think such an indoor 70cm igate
would be useful?


On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 10:28 AM, Bob Bruninga <bruninga at usna.edu> wrote:

> > [does] anyone set up a digipeater at Dayton,
> > or do we rely on the local digi's?
> Proper operation of an event like Dayton would suggest that putting up a
> digipeater would be the worst thing to do.  With over 300+ mobiles and
> portables beaconing away all in simplex range of each other, a digipeater
> would do nothing but drastically reduce the reliability of the channel by
> half or more.
> The proper way to handle a ham radio event with a massive influx of APRS
> operations is to:
> 1) Have no digi at the focal point (Hamvention) (all signals are direct)
> 2) Have all digis going out 20 miles in all directions be ONE-HOP DIGIS
> ONLY.  That is, they only respond to WIDE1-1 or WIDE2-2 and nothing else.
> They digipeat once and do callsign substitution so the packet goes no
> farther.
> 3) Strategic IGates are placed right at Hamvention so they hear everything
> in simplex range.
> 4) Additional IGates are configured so that every surrounding digi going
> out
> 20 miles has an IGate to hear the one-hop packets.
> 5) Doing all the above, then the hundreds of APRS mobiles and portables do
> not have to change anything.  They just drive into town with their normal
> WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1 settings.
> No matter where you are, you will hear all your surrounding stations, and
> that is the best APRS can do under those conditions.
> Bob, WB4APR
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