[aprssig] aprs.fi embedded and IE9

Arnie Shore shoreas at gmail.com
Wed Mar 23 06:43:19 EDT 2011

MS didn't get to their position in the marketplace by being dumb.  They
offer development tools that really sound and look good - Silverlight is an
example - and it takes a pretty determined outlook by the
developers/managers to avoid their use in the interests of openness.

It's not new.  Way back when, IBM did that kind of thing in their
proprietary extensions to standard COBOL, and few of us understood or even

IMO: Live with it.  AS

On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 6:08 AM, Bob Burns W9RXR <w9rxr_ at rlburns.net> wrote:

> At 10:37 PM 3/22/2011, Eric Lorenz K9LGE wrote:
>> The reason it doesn't work on half the company sites you deal with is
>> because those companies have chosen to take a short-sighted approach to
>> their web development and code their sites solely for IE...
> You may not like it, but it's a reality. There are a handful of websites I
> visit, including my own employer's and the community college where I've been
> taking classes, that require IE. I can't change that situation, so I don't
> let it bother me. What's ironic is that some of the professors at the
> community college recommend Firefox to their students knowing full well that
> those students won't be able to use Firefox to do administrative tasks, like
> registering for classes or paying tuition, through the college's website.
> I don't sweat it. I use Opera for most of my web browsing at home and keep
> IE 8 handy for logging into sites that Opera can't render. Thanks to this
> discussion, though, I will be very cautious about upgrading to IE 9.
> Bob...
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