[aprssig] Great Android app U2APRS

Georg Lukas georg at op-co.de
Fri Mar 18 14:36:18 EDT 2011

* Steve Hanis <dmesteve at gmail.com> [2011-03-18 01:46]:
> http://aobajoke.no-ip.org/~ja7ude/japanese/u2aprs10/indexe.html

The fonts are a little bit too big on my HTC Dream, but the program is
interesting indeed.

The author is referencing
http://www.apritch.myby.co.uk/uiv32_uiview32.php for APRS-IS passcode
generation, which seems to involve a manual process as well. I wonder if
the UI-View maintainers are aware of the additional workload.

73 de Georg DO1GL
APRSdroid - Open Source APRS Position reporting and Mapping on Android
home page: http://aprsdroid.org ++ release candidate: http://aprsdroid.org/b1
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