[aprssig] Clarification of APRS weather station data flow.

Stephen H. Smith wa8lmf2 at aol.com
Thu Mar 17 16:43:12 EDT 2011

On 3/17/2011 1:39 PM, Tapio Sokura wrote:
> Hi,
> On 03/17/2011 05:29 AM, Scott Miller wrote:
>> Also, unsurprisingly, there's been a big surge of interest in Geiger
>> counter interfacing.  Bob, can we get a standard for sending ionizing
>> radiation levels in weather reports?
> I'm not Bob, but I'm sticking my spoon into the soup anyway after a little 
> IRC chatting.. so here goes: Anyone who's familiar with radiation levels 
> knows they can hugely vary in scale. So using a plain, say three-digit, 
> number isn't going to scale very well (i.e. 001 = 1 uSv/h, 999 = 999 uSv/h).
> I'm suggesting the following: three digits, where the first two are the 
> significant digits (mantissa) and the last one is an exponent. Base unit 
> could be nSv/h, nanosieverts per hour (Sievert is the SI-unit for ionizing 
> radiation dose equivalent).
> If abc represents the digits, the resulting radiation level would be 
> calculated using the formula ab * 10^c nSv/h. A few examples:
> 000 = special case for "reading unavailable"
> 010 = special (theoretical) case of 1 nSv/h or under
> 020 = 2 nSv/h
> 150 = 15 nSv/h
> 990 = 99 nSv/h
> 321 = 320 nSv/h
> 123 = 12 uSv/h
> 654 = 650 uSv/h
> 456 = 45 mSv/h
> 987 = 980 mSv/h
> 989 = 98 Sv/h
> 999 = special case for 99 Sv/h or over
> So that's the digit part sorted out, now we just need a letter identifier/tag 
> for it..
>   Tapio
> _

Just like the resistor color code!   Where the 3rd stripe/digit is a multiplier.



Stephen H. Smith    wa8lmf (at) aol.com
EchoLink Node:      WA8LMF  or 14400    [Think bottom of the 2M band]
Skype:        WA8LMF
Home Page:          http://wa8lmf.net

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