[aprssig] has anyone built/modified a USB to TTL levelconverter??

Andrew Rich vk4tec at tech-software.net
Sat Jun 4 09:03:56 EDT 2011

Why not go USB to rs232 to max232 chip . That's what I would do 

Sent from my iPhone
Andrew Rich

On 03/06/2011, at 17:45, "Earl Needham" <earl.kd5xb at gmail.com> wrote:

> If you have a USB port, you can use a Radio Shack scanner programming cable to connect to your 706.  I'm not at home or I'd give the model #. I should be able to get it tomorrow night. 
> Vy 7 3
> Earl
> KD5XB -- Earl Needham http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cw_bugs Quoting from the Coast Guard: ZUT Posted via Blackberry
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Greg D <ko6th.greg at gmail.com>
> Sender: aprssig-bounces at tapr.org
> Date: Thu, 02 Jun 2011 23:43:39 
> To: TAPR APRS Mailing List<aprssig at tapr.org>
> Reply-To: TAPR APRS Mailing List <aprssig at tapr.org>
> Subject: Re: [aprssig] has anyone built/modified a USB to TTL level
>    converter??
> Hi Bob,
> Uh, let me see if I have this right...
> You are trying to drive your IC706 rig from a computer. The computer has 
> a regular (RS-232) serial port (or you can make one with a standard 
> dongle), and the radio needs TTL. You want to connect the two, right?
> A TTL "high" signal (+3v or so) translates to a negative half dozen 
> volts or so on RS-232, and a TTL "low" (0v) maps to a positive half 
> dozen volts or so on RS-232. You don't need to make this any more 
> complicated than it is.
> If you're halfway handy with a soldering iron, to drive the rig from the 
> computer, all you need is a transistor, diode, and a resistor or two. 
> Let me know if you are interested and I can dig up the schematic. I 
> drive my Yaesu FT-736R like this, and it works great.
> To drive the computer from the rig, it's something equally simple. The 
> Yaesu rig doesn't talk back to the computer (really annoying!), but I 
> think the diagram I'm remembering has both directions covered. If you 
> can find the schematic for the original FODTrack satellite tracking 
> controller, I believe it's in there.
> Greg KO6TH
> Bob wrote:
>> I need TTL.
>> I have RS232
>> I have USB
>> I do not have a RS232 port. Rules out the standard USB to RS232 dongle.
>> I think that I want to take an old cell phone to computer interface that has
>> a USB to RS232 level converter. It is a common chip, and I have the drivers.
>> I want to take the RS232 from the cell phone cable and feed it to a MAX233
>> to get TTL in/out.
>> Then use the TTL to talk to the IC706m2g to control the radio.
>> Without reinventing the wheel, is there a "better way"?
>> Bob K8YS
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