[aprssig] Why Not "Gate in Vicinity"

Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr) ldeffenb at homeside.to
Wed Dec 28 08:59:49 EST 2011

Conceding the definition point.   I meant no disparagement of the 
APRS-IS as it is.  I'm completely impressed with its operation and 
indebted to those that created, maintain, and operate it.

(send button got in the way)

But my real point was that the APRS-IS is not something that can do 
anything by itself, certainly APRS-IS can't deliver posits to local RF 
environments but itself, no matter what we do to the packets that are 
being carried.  APRS-IS is designed to be, and is, a packet transporter, 
no more, and no less, with none of the contemporary implications of 
being called a "network" as relates to the computer field.

Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ - Author of APRSISCE for Windows Mobile and Win32

On 12/28/2011 8:44 AM, Steve Dimse wrote:
> On Dec 28, 2011, at 8:24 AM, Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr) wrote:
>> On 12/28/2011 8:15 AM, Steve Dimse wrote:
>>> Other than being run mostly by professionals, that sounds a lot like the Internet itself, which I guess is just the appearance of a network as you define it. Or maybe professionals make a real network and volunteers just make appearances?
>> IMHO networks provide various levels of packet inspection and routing layers.  APRS-IS provides none of these, but is simply a transport that "appears" to be a network simply because it has a lot of nodes (more than 2).
> There is a use of the word network that predates anything remotely like what you are calling a network. Think NBC - they have a network that has absolutely nothing to do with "packet inspection and routing layers". I've searched several online dictionaries, and not one requires these for its definition of a network.
> Besides, there is routing based on the filtering commands now in APRS IS, and there is certainly packet inspection - lines are only accepted into the network if they have the appearance of the text spit out by a TNC (to oversimplify callsign>destination:payload), and dup checking requires packet inspection.
>> Many people still believe that an APRS message destined for a specific station is actually "delivered" to an appropriate IGate for transmission to the intended recipient.  A network would do that, APRS-IS simply transports the packet to anyone/everyone whose filter indicates a desire to receive said packet.
> The NBC "network" delivers its programs to you 24/7, you filter out what you do not want by turning your TV off or tuning to another channel. I guess you should write NBC a message complaining about their use of "network" for the last 7 decades or more...
> Steve K4HG
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