[aprssig] Interesting Preliminary Findings on Soundcard "Soft TNC" Shootout

John McHugh johnk.mchugh at bellsouth.net
Mon Dec 26 11:11:35 EST 2011


I'm not familiar with the MFJ 1278 but did you set the tones of the 
UZ7HO to be the same as the MFJ and tune the radio accordingly?
Many TNCs have different tones, my KAM uses 1600/1800


Andre wrote:

> I did an inpractice comparason between uh7ho soundmodem and a mfj 1278 
> multimode tnc at 300 baud packet on 10.151 lsb.
> Any packet i could recognise on the waterfall was decoded by the 
> soundmodem but the mfj decoded ZERO packets after days of trying, both 
> the tnc and soundcard where connected in paralel to the patch af out 
> of a ft-757gx.
> So next time someone claims a tnc works better then soundcard at 
> decoding I will just shake my head.
> 73 Andre PE1RDW

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