[aprssig] What is Generating These Packets

Lee Bengston lee.bengston at gmail.com
Wed Dec 21 12:00:30 EST 2011

On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 11:29 AM, Pete Loveall AE5PL Lists
<hamlists at ametx.com> wrote:
> This is one of many packets (over 250 per hour) gated to APRS-IS by IGates all over the world (so the qAR point of entry is different on almost every one).
> APRSIS>RXTLM-1,TCPIP,qAR,KD8IAY:T#113,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,00000000
> Does anyone know what software is generating these packets which have no identification and use an invalid TOCALL (not APxxxx and improperly using a SSID) and TCPIP in the path?  Because the point of entry is very diverse, it is not being generated by a single station but by a single piece of software.

They appear to be telemetry packets generated by APRX.


Below are a few packets from findu.com.

KD8IAY-1>APRX22,qAR,KD8IAY:!4147.06NT08614.67W&Ubuntu / GE MVS / T2 /
Aprx v2.02 I-gate
KD8IAY-1>APOT21,WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1,qAR,KD8IAY:!/9Btc8`C6# st 12.9V 37F
KD8IAY-1>APRX22,qAR,KD8IAY:!4147.06NT08614.67W&Ubuntu / GE MVS / T2 /
Aprx v2.02 I-gate

Lee - K5DAT

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