[aprssig] APRS -- Automatic PACKET vs POSITION Reporting System

Earl Needham earl.kd5xb at gmail.com
Thu Sep 2 20:31:53 EDT 2010

He wrote most of the documents, too. Once again, I suggest they be consulted thoroughly before contacting the VEC.

7 3

------Original Message------
From: Charlie Gallo
To: My Gmail Earl Needham
ReplyTo: Charlie Gallo
Subject: Re: [aprssig] APRS -- Automatic PACKET vs POSITION Reporting System
Sent: Sep 2, 2010 18:16

Ah, Bob says it's Packet, therefore, it's packet - HE named it

On 9/2/2010 Earl Needham wrote:

> It's always been POSITION to me but I understand some documents say
> POSITION & some say PACKET. I'd suggest an in-depth study of all the docs before bothering the VEC.

> Vy 7 3
> Earl

73 de KG2V - Charles Gallo
Quality Custom Machine-shop work for the radio amateur (sm)

KD5XB -- Earl Needham http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cw_bugs Quoting from the Coast Guard: ZUT Posted via Blackberry

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