[aprssig] Lost Goat - APRS Beacon?

Wes Johnston, AI4PX wes at ai4px.com
Mon Oct 18 14:35:57 EDT 2010

Uhhhh the goat ate my 610 form.

God help those who do not help themselves.

On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 14:28, Steve Niles <n5en at wt.net> wrote:

> The Technician license test is so easy these days that a goat might be able
> to pass it so they can transmit on 2 meters.  They might need a little help
> with the paperwork though.
> Steve N5EN
> --- qrp.wg0at at gmail.com wrote:
> From: Steve_wG0AT <qrp.wg0at at gmail.com>
> To: aprssig at tapr.org
> Subject: [aprssig] Lost Goat - APRS Beacon?
> Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2010 11:21:53 -0600
> I just picked up a tinytracker at Pacificon from Byonics and thinking
> of putting it on my dominant packgoat Rooster.  The reason is the
> goats usually never let me out of the sight since I'm their alpha
> goat. However on our last big adventure we were hurriedly down
> climbing a 12k-ft peak and we somehow got separated! I spent over an
> hour frantically looking for them as we were in the path of pending
> forest fire. Fortunately I was able to track them (hoof prints) and
> literally ran them down! Not an easy task above 10k feet ...the
> running part that is!
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDXMiaaqcpE
> If I'd had only a little knowledge of the where abouts I could have
> cut that time to just minutes to locate them! LAT/LON and direction
> and/or speed would have been a huge aid while in my panic search mode!
> So I'm now building up a TT3 w/GPS and now looking for a an old HT to
> put a 1w APRS beacon on my goats. I can easily mount it on their
> saddle w/19" whip and maybe even use a solarpanel to charge the
> battery. Kinda a fun project. I carry a Garmin GPS60CSx and had a
> VX8(I can't locate it it at the moment??) but considering getting a D7
> instead. Seems I could use these tools to get a quick fix on the goats
> should we get separated again?
> Any considerations this APRS application? Like on path programing or
> should I use a non standard freq to reduce APRS traffic? Comments/
> Suggestions welcomed!
> 73, Steve ...wGØAT/R&P
> http://www.youtube.com/goathiker
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