[aprssig] Suspicious Missouri igate

Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr) ldeffenb at homeside.to
Thu Nov 25 07:40:59 EST 2010

Looks to me like a mis-configured IGate.  Checking his raw packets 
(http://aprs.fi/?c=raw&call=AX0) shows only telemetry and definitions 
for the past two days.  The toCall (unproto) is >RXTLM-2 and he's 
actually logged on to APRS-IS under KI6JJW-1.

His last position (http://aprs.fi/info/AX0) was over 32 days ago and 
there's no indication of how long the station has had that comment.  In 
fact, there's nothing to assure that the position and/or comment have 
anything to do with the telemetry being generated.

Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ

VK6 UFO wrote:
> Anybody know why this igate in Missouri <http://aprs.fi/?call=AX0> is 
> using this callsign? Seems it should be N0CSW.
> -- 
> ———————
> Rob VK6UFO

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