[aprssig] USGS DLG CD for Florida?

Patrick Wood winston at winston1.net
Thu Nov 18 13:40:56 EST 2010

Do you mean the DTED topo data??  If so it was retired a while back and
replaced with SRTM data..  For the US take a look here
http://dds.cr.usgs.gov/srtm/version2_1/SRTM1/ .  The rest of us can get
lower resolution data here http://dds.cr.usgs.gov/srtm/version2_1/SRTM3/ .


On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 6:48 AM, Hawkins, John W. <
JWHawkins at mccormicktaylor.com> wrote:

> Arte-
> You may have luck at http://data.labins.org/2003/MappingData/DLG/dlg.cfm
> FYI, I believe most states have a GIS (Geographic Information Systems) data
> clearinghouse of one sort or another, where all manner of maps can be had.
> Sometimes it works out better to go to your state's clearinghouse rather
> than direct to USGS.
> Good luck!
> ________________________________
> From: aprssig-bounces at tapr.org on behalf of Arte Booten
> Sent: Wed 11/17/2010 9:22 PM
> To: TAPR APRS Mailing List
> Subject: [aprssig] USGS DLG CD for Florida?
> +============================================================================+
> ||>->-> When replying, remove "!rEm0vEn0sP at M!" from the reply address!
> <-<-<||
> +============================================================================+
> Hi all,
>      Years ago the USGS published a series of CD's containing their
>  1:100,000
> Digital Line Graph (Optional Format) map data.  This could be utilized by
> mapmakers to create detailed maps for the DOS version of APRS.   I have
> copies
> of these disks for the northeast (which is where I'm from), and have made
> such
> maps for Long Island, New York City and portions of New Jersey.
>  Unfortunately
> these disks are no longer available, and I'd like to try to make some maps
> for
> the Tampa area.   Maybe more later, as well ... if I can locate a copy of
> that
> CD.  Does anyone have one that can make a copy for me?
>      Apparently,  the data is supposed to be downloadable,  but I haven't
> been
> able to do so.  When you go to their website, it says you need to wait for
> the
> tape server to load ... which seems to take forever.
>      Why do I want to make  maps for a dinosaur version of APRS?   Among
> other
> reasons, APRSDos will run on literally any PC clone from 8088's up, with
> 486's
> being the sweet spot for fast map loading.   Any old laptop you have
> gathering
> dust can be  set up at a shelter or EOC in a deployment and utilized for
> or other DOS-based packet programs.
>      While many newer APRS clients have flashier maps,  interesting
> bells-and-
> whistles and can interface with the internet,  APRSDos has many features
> which
> no other client does.
>      As the brainchild of Bob Bruninga WB4APR "The Father of APRS",  it's
> true
> to his original concept of what APRS is about, namely that:
>  "APRS is a real-time tactical digital communications protocol for
> exchanging
>   information between a large number of stations covering a large local
> area."
> It seems that much of this original concept  has been supplanted with the
> idea
> that APRS' most useful - and, to many, sole - feature is to track vehicles
> and
> other movable assets.   There are so many users that have never used APRS
> with
> anything more than a self-contained box (Kenwood TM-D710, Yaesu FTM-350,
> Tiny-
> Track, etc) and have never connected one to a computer, and ran an APRS
> client
> on it to see some small part of what APRS is truly capable of!
>      If, by creating some local maps, letting users dust off an old clunker
> so
> they can get a taste of how APRS can be  utilized in tactical situations or
> in
> a disaster scenario, then it'll be more than worth it to me.  And, I hope,
> the
> Emergency Management infrastructure would also see its value to their
> efforts.
>      So if anyone has a copy of that 1:100K DLG disk, please contact me.
>  73
> +============================================================================+
> ||>->-> When replying, remove "!rEm0vEn0sP at M!" from the reply address!
> <-<-<||
> +============================================================================+
> +============================================================================+
> ||>->-> When replying, remove "!rEm0vEn0sP at M!" from the reply address!
> <-<-<||
> +============================================================================+
> | Mr. Arthur "Arte" Booten      Tampa, FL     <n2zrc!rEm0vEn0sP at M!@
> arrl.net> |
> |   Cruise Missile Coordinates: 2756.75 N / 08228.79 W            [EL87sw]
>   |
> |  PGP Key Fingerprint:  86B2 D349 8B94 3534 4FDA  B4CE C41A 4945 A16F 5A25
>  |
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
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