[aprssig] APRSG Igate software

Michael Conrad do5mc at friggleware.de
Fri May 28 05:15:27 EDT 2010


> Vaporware ? I seem to see some software at one tine. I don't like the idea of another computer getting the heat of summer and the cold of winter. I tried it with an igate a long time ago since my isp is on the same tower as my equipment. There is no Air conditioning in the building. Laptops and PC's are damaged every time I set them up. 
> A short time setup it works. 
> Would love to see a linux version come out and run it off of a compact flash. The killer is the hard drives.
just check out

- aprx (http://wiki.ham.fi/Aprx.en)

- aprs4r (http://www.aprs4r.org)

- digi_ned (http://digined.pe1mew.nl)

All of them are available for small wireless router (no moving parts) 
running OpenWrt (Embedded Linux, see http://www.openwrt.org).



PS: I would prefer aprs4r ;-)

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