[aprssig] Hacked eMAIL
Angela - M1SCH / PE1BIV
tapr-aprs-sig at pe1biv.net
Sun Mar 14 21:38:24 EDT 2010
> Most email lists (e.g. mailman, by default) will block/hold a message
> to a list where the list is not a valid recipient address in the
> message body.
The list will only look at the address on the envelop, and not if the
address is also in the headers of the message in the envelop.
Besides that, the list, like the TAPR one, will look at the sender address,
and only forward the message if it is send from an address known as also a
recipient on the list.
Using the list address in the TO-field is handy, as that can also be used
for filtering on incoming messages, though in the case of this group, also
[aprssig] can be used for that.
I fully agree in that sending a bulletin to a lot of people with all the
e-mail addresses readable for everyone, and as so also for all virusses and
spyware some people have on their PC, is simply inconsiderate
Rgs, 73, Angela
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