[aprssig] xastir.org?

Michael J. Wolthuis wolthui3 at msu.edu
Sun Jun 27 21:03:15 EDT 2010

My CVS is working too, I don't think it was related, I think it was an 
Internet outage thing here at home.


On 6/27/2010 8:26 PM, Eric Lorenz K9LGE wrote:
> It appears to be back up as of 7:25pm CDT today (0026 UTC 6/28/10)
> Eric K9LGE
> ------------------------
> Eric Lorenz
> Amateur Radio Station K9LGE
> St. Charles IL EN51uw
> 630.430.2421 cell
> ARC-Greater Chicago Chapter
> Disaster Services Technology team
> Kane County ARES
> On 06/27/2010 12:05 PM, Matti Aarnio wrote:
>> On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 04:39:57PM +0000,ke5c at hot.rr.com  <mailto:ke5c at hot.rr.com>  wrote:
>>> Does anyone know what happened to xastir.org?  TIA
>> No.  Guesses: Server crashed, network equipment failure.
>> It is a typical small single server site with a few web services,
>> and can be down for a number of reasons.  There is no guarantee
>> that even when it is up the ping will work.
>> While large scale web services are usually heavily redundant with
>> load balance/fail over and backup instances, most common webs in
>> the internet are these very small systems without redundancy.
>>> 73--John
>> 73 de Matti, OH2MQK
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