[aprssig] Additional SSID's

Chris Moulding chrism at crosscountrywireless.net
Fri Jun 11 03:34:16 EDT 2010

When a -63 packet is gated from the APRS-IS to AX.25 it's sent as a 
third party packet. The -63 callsign is enclosed as part of the packet 
so is unaffected by the AX.25 SSID limitation.

It's the same with messages and replies sent to the -63 station over 
AX.25. The -63 is in the text of the packet not the AX.25 SSID.

I'm working at making APRS Messenger capable of "SMART" (Bob, WB4APR's 
description) two way HF igating so the capability to communicate with 
-63 stations via the APRS-IS and AX.25 Igates should be available in the 
next month or so.


Chris, G4HYG-63

Chris Moulding
Cross Country Wireless
7 Thirlmere Grove, Bolton, Lancs, BL4 0QB, UK
Tel/fax: +44(0)1204 410626
Mobile:  +44(0)7752 391908
Website: http://www.crosscountrywireless.net

On 11/06/10 08:08, Jon K Hellan wrote:
> Robert Bruninga wrote:
>> I added these additional SSID's to the spec this morning:
>> -63 for PSK63 HF stations
>> -tt for APRS TouchTone users (DTMF)
>> -ID for RFID
>> -A  through -Z for Dstar
> Is the following correct? By choosing an SSID larger than 15, you also choose not to be
> gated from APRS-IS to (AX.25) RF.
> Jon LA4RT
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