[aprssig] An amusing aside (Text Pagers) APRStt

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Sat Jan 30 16:24:33 EST 2010

> If we had a way to see the numbers we've 
> entered, or somehow compose a message / 
> posit packet offline, then have a pic 
> processor spit out the DTMF string for us, 
> we'd have a winner. 


Every DTMF mobile radio and HT that I have can do that.  And
that is exactly what APRStt is trying to take advantage of....
PRELOADING your info into a DTMF memory for use on demand with
only 2 key presses.

> God help those who do not help themselves.

Maybe it has been so long since anyone even used an autopatch
that most modern hams have no clue what their radio can do from
their DTMF keypad...  Hummh...


> On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 17:50, Robert Bruninga 
> <bruninga at usna.edu> wrote:
> 	>> I have been trying for a few years to get
> 	>> Echolink to add DTMF callsign decoding
> 	>> (with then a copy sent over to the
> 	>> APRS-IS each time somone checks in using it)
> 	>
> 	> Furthermore, [APRStt] has always been marketed as
> 	> "kludgy thing for this local grid in the event area".
> 	Thanks for the feedback. I need to find out where that
> 	impression is coming from.  For the past three years the
> 	emphasis has been completely on CALLSIGN encoding only.
> 	that requires the user to store his DTMF callsign in his
> 	memory once.  Then he can report his "position" anytime,
> 	anywhere by pressing at most maybe 2 buttons.  1 to call
> 	memory and the other to selct the memory.  Done.
> 	For the purpose of the global APRS system, a DTMF
callsign is
> 	all we need to hear.  It gives us this info:
> 	2) Date and Time of availability
> 	3) Location (to nearest RF area)
> 	4) Frequency he reported in on
> 	5) Type of system, and range
> 	6) Echolink or IRLP or other call-back node nuumber or
> 	info.
> 	For the purpose of facilitating comunicaiton between
hams, the
> 	callsign, heard by an APRStt system is all we need.
> 	And doing this two-button thing, and have the APRStt
engine come
> 	back with "Welcome WB4APR" is just as efficient as me
picking up
> 	the microphone and saying "WB4APR Mobile".  But the big
> 	difference is that the 2 button DTMF report is MACHINE
> 	and goes locally and globally.  Where the voice report
falls on
> 	mostly deaf ears on one mostlly inactive repeater and
> 	nowhere.
> 	>> I am frustrated because these are trivial additions
> 	>> that could seamlessly crossconnect info between these
> 	>> two very powerful ham radio systems!
> 	>
> 	> Sometimes your "trivial" is far from it.  Next thing
> 	> is that you will hotly cry out and want bi-
> 	> directionality for that "trivial" thing.
> 	Absolutely.  Once the report goes in, I want VOICE
> 	Heck, I did it in 2000 and 2001 using BASIC and I had
> 	synthesized voice using only 8 resistors on the parallel
> 	These days DTMF decoding by sound card and Voice
synthesis by
> 	sound card is something that lots of programmers can do.
I just
> 	need to find someone that wants to do it. And is
motivated to
> 	stick with it...
> 	> Sometimes old e-waste junk is just that, and
> 	> not worth to turn specifications into prezels
> 	> to try to support them.... but without a supply
> 	> of hundreds of pagers and all that device
> 	> programming support hardware I see
> 	> absolutely no point to spend time on it.
> 	Yes, the pager idea is just one more potential side
> 	But the DTMF keypad is never going to go away and 99% of
> 	mobile or handheld operators has one.  That is why I
think that
> 	APRStt is well worth the investment of time for someone
that can
> 	do it.
> 	> I do not see APRStt as IMPROVEMENT of any kind.
> 	Ah, too bad.  Every kid with a cell phone can use a
keypad to
> 	communicate,  Every ham radio has one.  I simply canot
see why
> 	in 9 years it is so hard to find someone to tie the DTMF
> 	to the local/global APRS communication system.
> 	Still looking for talent...
> 	Bob, Wb4APR
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