[aprssig] Filter?

Mark Earle wa2mct at mearle.com
Fri Dec 31 20:41:34 EST 2010

Perhaps I have a syntax error?

#filter r/27/-97/200 b/kc5eve*/wd5iyt*/w5ex*/k5fog

I don't see kc5eve-14, for instance. I thought the b would cause me to 
see packets for any kc5eve variant, even if it is beyond the /r   settings.

Seems the server is taking it:

# javAPRSSrvr 3.14b04 1 Jan 2011 01:26:40 GMT FIRST
# javAPRSSrvr 3.14b04
# logresp WA2MCT-8 verified, server FIRST, adjunct "filter r/27/-97/200 
b/kc5eve* /wd5iyt* /w5ex* /k5fog-9 /w3dh* /k5gj-9" OK - Filter 
definition updated

I do note per several examples, I sent it without spaces between call 
and the next call. The spaces are there in the logresp.

       ) )    de WA2MCT Mark
      ( (     Echolink 99190      Grid Square EL17HQ
       ) )    You will be assimilated... oooh, coffee!!
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