[aprssig] Clueless HF Beacon Received!

Stephen H. Smith wa8lmf2 at aol.com
Thu Aug 12 23:14:13 EDT 2010

  I have been seeing this station turn up (direct) on my 30-meter HF receive 
setup in Los Angeles the last several nights.

19:59:41R ZS1TA-9>APRS,WIDE1-1,WIDE Port=2 <UI C Len=21>:
/025932h/N at o&5bqKY[?_

Assuming the beacon IS valid, he is a sailboat in the Pacific about 900 miles 
west of the coast of Ecuador.

[ Time is local time Pacific Daylight Time.  VOAprop DOES suggest that 30 
meters should be reasonably open to that part of the world from here at this time.]

1)    What is he doing expecting the path with WIDEn-N to do on HF???

2)    I wonder how many local WIDE1-1 fill-in digis he is encountering on the 
high seas of the Pacific?



Stephen H. Smith    wa8lmf (at) aol.com
EchoLink Node:      WA8LMF  or 14400    [Think bottom of the 2M band]
Skype:        WA8LMF
Home Page:          http://wa8lmf.net

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