[aprssig] Subject: Re: SKY1 - callsign? Wayne County, Ohio.

Chris Moulding chrism at crosscountrywireless.net
Thu Aug 12 09:40:10 EDT 2010

OK, SKY1 and SKY2 are now beaconing every 10 minutes on the APRS-IS 
only. My callsign is included in the beacon text.

Let's see how long the program can run...


Chris, G4HYG

Chris Moulding
Cross Country Wireless
7 Thirlmere Grove, Bolton, Lancs, BL4 0QB, UK
Tel/fax: +44(0)1204 410626
Mobile:  +44(0)7752 391908
Website: http://www.crosscountrywireless.net

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