[aprssig] 6 Meter APRS

Bob Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Mon Aug 2 09:21:04 EDT 2010

>   Is 50.62 the recommended freq in Cont US?
>   I've been toying with the idea of putting a 6m
>   digi/igate up just to see what pops up during Es..

Yes.  We proposed it back in about 1985 or so for packet and since packet has died and since there are some crystal rigs still laying around in attics, why not go with it.  So all the digis and mobiles in the DC area are on 50.62.

And a friend bought over 100 6m 150W rigs on ebay an dfixes them up for 6m mobile.  They are midlands have up to 99 programmable channels, so they are great rigs.  He also puts tiny-tracks in them and sells them without a control head for purely mobile APRS.  I dont have his links with me, but google for 6m APRS and see what comes up.


 >   :)

>   Randy
>   WF5X
>   On Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 11:18 AM, Bob Bruninga
>   <bruninga at usna.edu> wrote:
>     > ... I also work a lot of time on six meters
>     > and wondered if APRS could provide the same
>     > automatic beacon function in the six meter
>     arena?
>     Ed, Sure,
>     In the DC and Baltimore area we have about 3 or
>     more 6 meter digis on 50.62 MHz.  That is the
>     receommended frequency for over a decade.  Not
>     much activity, but with the availability of cheap
>     150W 6m mobiles for peanuts, its a great place to
>     play radio!
>     A google search on 6m APRS in Maryland might turn
>     up links?  or virginia?
>     Bob, WB4APR
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