[aprssig] APRS < = > Winlink Messaging

Steve Noskowicz noskosteve at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 12 15:29:26 EDT 2009

 I believe it is considered somewhat of a bandaid.  Crude, but it allows APRS <-> WINLink.

Bob Wrote:
> ... So to send the short one line message to the WinLINK 
> user W3ABC, then I would use this format from my APRS mobile radio:

> TO: WLNK-1
> MSG: SP W3ABC at winlink.org message_text_etc /BK

NOPE. No one line (APRS message) message.
APRSLink says:
>>>  SP <email address, callsign, or alias> <subject>

  As read it, only address and subject in the SP line/message.  The "address" can be EITHER an address, OR call sign, OR alias.  
The subject is, well, subject.
The message text follows in subsequent APRS messages.

The SP command starts assembling a WINLink message from 
*multiple* APRS->APRSLink messages.

> Or, since W3ABC has a Winlink account, then hopefully, 
> I do not have to punch in the redundant full email 
> address and send only:
> TO: WLNK-1
> MSG: SP W3ABC message_text_etc /BK

YES, BUT ... it should be THREE APRS messages:

MSG: I'll see you for coffee at 8.


It explicitly says regarding the "/EX" message delimiter:
 "... send /EX as a separate APRS message to complete your email."

> And these messages can be sent without any apriori logon 
> or previous message (other than having a valid APRS 
> position report already on the air)?

My understanding as well.  I conversed with Lee a while ago and my gut feel is that i have it correct.  You might be able to send without the posit, but you can't receive, obviously.

> If the shorter method works, then I think the wording on 
> the weeb page can be more clear to help the first time 
> user see how easy it is.  The example shown is for a
> multi-line message, not the shortest possible approach, 
> which often might be the most used...

The old "W" method required the command for every message and the TO and Subj were seperate messages. IIR, Something like this.


MSG:W2 Subj

MSG:W3 I'll see you for coffee at 8.


The new SP command eliminates the "W" commands and combines the Addr & Subj.  I think the /EX command is the same.

I started to put this format into my Excel sheet for the D700, but haven't completed the code.  So many projects; so little time.

73, Steve, K9DCI


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