[aprssig] HX370S APRS

Mike Stuart k5mts.xastir at gmail.com
Thu Nov 12 13:09:26 EST 2009

I have this radio and currently use it for APRS, but I have had difficulty
with the CE68 software programming some frequencies (specifically 155.7525).
Are you using that software?  Thanks,


On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 8:40 AM, Joe Della Barba <joe at dellabarba.com> wrote:

>   If anyone has a Standard-Horizon HX370S marine handheld or is interested
> in a waterproof radio like this, I have one and got a sweet program from SH
> to program the 40 Land Mobile radio channels with 2 meter freqs. No problem
> with repeater splits, DCS, tone squelch, etc.
> It has a mic/headphone jack to hook up a TNC if you want to run a TT or
> TNC.
> Let me know if you have one and need a hand getting it programmed.
> 73
> Joe N3HGB
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