[aprssig] Temporary APRS setup

Steven Brower stevenbrower at verizon.net
Tue Nov 3 09:51:11 EST 2009

Yep, we will track and follow the flight. What you describe is pretty much my setup at the moment. What kind of altitude and packet sucsess did you get?  I would find it very helpful to have something like my hardware to make comparisons, data-wise. Thanks
Hi Steven,

Do you plan to chase the payload to the landing?  Once your payload is off
the ground, line-of-sight propagation will be excellent.  We've used a VX-1R
in the past with no trouble receiving data for 100 mi or more, as long as it
was line of sight.  This was with a whip antenna on the payload (minimal
ground plane) and mag-mounts on the chase vehicle.

Any I-gate that is line-of-sight will pick it up too.

73 de Mark N9XTN

Steven Brower

On Nov 3, 2009, at 7:00 AM, aprssig-request at tapr.org wrote:

Hi Steven,

Do you plan to chase the payload to the landing?  Once your payload is off
the ground, line-of-sight propagation will be excellent.  We've used a VX-1R
in the past with no trouble receiving data for 100 mi or more, as long as it
was line of sight.  This was with a whip antenna on the payload (minimal
ground plane) and mag-mounts on the chase vehicle.

Any I-gate that is line-of-sight will pick it up too.

73 de Mark N9XTN

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