[aprssig] Wanted: server

Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr) ldeffenb at homeside.to
Sat May 30 14:31:02 EDT 2009

That'll get the server, but you also need to build your own 
infrastructure.  You'll need at least one IGate and possibly one or a 
few digis, unless you want to share plane tracking data from across the 
nation in which case you've got your work cut out for you.

Wouldn't it be easier just to use APRS-IS and establish filters so you 
only get the planes that you want to see?

Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ - Impressed with the APRS 144.390 Infrastructure!

Jason KG4WSV wrote:
> On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 9:04 AM, Andrew Rich <vk4tec at tech-software.net> wrote:
>> Can someone tell me how to, or set me up a server where we can share plane
>> tracking data
> Just set up a standard APRS-IS server.  xastir will do it, if that
> happens to fit with your plans, or javaprssrv for heavy lifting.
>> I don't want to mix it in with other data
> Just don't connect your server to the APRS-IS, and don't gate it anywhere.
> -Jason
> kg4wsv
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