[aprssig] History of D7 vs. NMEA 183 Redux

Steve Noskowicz noskosteve at yahoo.com
Mon May 25 13:06:03 EDT 2009

Two Q's

  This was triggered since I acquired a few OEM/imbedded type GPS units.   (getting tired of having to always turn on the Garmin V)
I'm in the process of getting them running, mounted, powered and  interfaced for use with my D700 and D7G.  I'm also answering occassional questions along these lines on the Google D7 group and I also wand to put together a complete summary of the D7 version and NMEA version compatibility info.

1 -  Did Kenwood put any special marking on the TH-D7A's that have the NMEA 3.0 firmware-upgrade?

2 - Since there can be a difference, further snooping on the net shows  that NMEA 0184 devices can send lat/lon with as few as 6/7 digits up to as many as 9/10.

My Garmin V which works with the D700 and D7G sends 8/9.

Is this a difference in "sub-versions" of NMEA 0183  or is it simply variable allowed in 3.0?
Does anyone know which of these lengths the D700, D710 and the three D7 versions can accept?

Not critical, but interesting to know.

FYI I see that there is a vers 4.0 now.

73, Steve, K9DCI

--- On Thu, 5/14/09, Steve Dimse <steve at dimse.com> wrote:

> Yes, the fix to that is the only firmware upgrade Kenwood did for it, it required disassembly of the radio and soldering the programming wires onto the board. Kenwood brought techs to Dayton one year to do it while you waited.
> Steve K4HG
> On May 14, 2009, at 12:45 AM, Steve Noskowicz wrote:
> > Does the original TH-D7 (not the G 2.0) have a problem
> with the current NMEA string?  0183 has one too many
> digits in the Lat/Long for the radio, I think?
> > 
> > Obviously the D700 and D710 handles it.
> > 
> > -- 73, Steve, K9DCI
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
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