[aprssig] KC2TUA/KC2UFG Ballon QRM

Mike Miller mike.kc9doa at sbcglobal.net
Sun Mar 22 17:17:36 EDT 2009

I'm sure the interference to your repeater was unintentional and 
just a poor choice of frequency. Both the ARRL and the Upper New 
York Repeater Council band plans show 146.400 as simplex. The 
ARRL does note that it may be used as a repeater input in some 
areas. If the repeater had a tone protected input, you probably 
would have never known they were there.

Mike kc9doa

On 22 Mar 2009 at 13:12, Ron wrote:

> OK the balloon is out of my range now and approaching Nfld.
> I respectfully disagree that the effect of these transmissions
> was either minimal or short-lived.
> From 30,000 ft the APRS signal was being heard by nodes over 300
> miles away, which could be about 25 digipeaters...although some
> would hear their neighbors transmission and not repeat. Not to
> mention every home station that has WIDE1-1 set for digipeating.
> This has about 10 times more effect than a mobile driving by at
> 60mhp.
> In this case the duration of the pass was also significant. From
> approx 08:20z to 19:30z it was heard in my area.
> While the effect to our APRS network was not severe, the 147.000-
> repeater took a significant beating for about 10 hours thanks to
> KC2UFG transmitting on an inappropriate frequency.
> I am very disappointed that people planning such extended balloon
> expeditions do not take these things into consideration.
> It has been discussed on this group a number of times and I
> though there was an understanding of proper beacon rates and
> paths. Especially the consideration of such rates while aloft
> (>1000ft), eg: direct paths only and reasonable beacon rates
> based on coverage/average speed.
> 73,
> VE1AIC Ron

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