[aprssig] Hamfests?

Keith VE7GDH ve7gdh at rac.ca
Sat Mar 7 12:42:10 EST 2009

Frank N3FLR  wrote...

> We have a Hamfest Object on for our Hamfest in Greensburg,
> Pa. 3-8-09. The problem is our club member that put it on did
> not format it correctly to search, and did not include the talk in 
> freq. http://aprs.fi/?call=Foothills&mt=m&z=11&timerange=86400

It's not too late to fix it. I see it's going out every 8 minutes on
TCPIP. Being an IGate, I presume it's going out on RF as well.
If it can't be "fixed" perhaps you could generate an object in the
recommended format. People "near" Foothills will see it, but an
object in the HFEST-DDx format should be more recognizable
has a hamfest. The talk-in frequency should help too.

73 es cul - Keith VE7GDH
"I may be lost, but I know exactly where I am!"

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