[aprssig] Stand Alone WX

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Mon Jun 22 09:56:55 EDT 2009

> Speaking of Peet Brothers...
> We set up an 2100 running directly into a TNC 
> for the Weather Service (KF6RAL-3)and noticed 
> the data never gets seen by the Kenwood radios. 

We did not expect to see raw WX formats on the air.  At the time
of the APRS spec, there were 4 different formats from Peet Bros,
and 3 different instruments from Davis, and new ones were being
introduced every year.  It was impossible to see the future and
see what would be the dominant formats.  The APRS spec only had
one, and it was assumed that any remote APRS WX station would
have a processor to convert to the on-air APRS format.

Now Opentrack and Byonics and others have stations that can do
the conversions.

Also the TM-D710 does decode the Peet Packet mode on the air...
I think...


> On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 9:35 AM, Kriss A. Kliegle 
> <kliegle at myfairpoint.net> wrote:
> 	I've been running a Peet for years as a stand alone WX 
> digi. Since my site is solar powered, the power consumption 
> is minimal. Just don't use/buy one w/a humidity sensor. They 
> don't last but a few months, gave up replacing them. Another 
> issue yet to be resolved is the flow of WX data to the KPC-3, 
> usually in winter.Data will stop being updated and will send 
> same temp and winds every transmission, or it will be corrupt 
> and give rediculous temp and wind readings until I climb the 
> hill and reset the Peet Bro WX Station, KPC-3, and/or both. I 
> thought it was temperature related, but installing everything 
> in a styrofoam cooler and using the heat of the radio's 
> finals ( IC-2000 ) still didn't stop the unreliable WX data. 
> Temp in the cooler was >60, even in the coldest of winter WX
in NH. 
> 	Kriss KA1GJU (-3 WX Digi)
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